Linda, a life long islander has been in food safety and quality control since 1996 with some of the largest food processing facilities on the island. Her vast knowledge and her attention to detail will ensure that everything produced in our facility will have the utmost degree of quality control as any major processing facilities world wide would offer. She has experience with BRC, SQF, FSEP, QMP and ISO 9000 food safety programs, training, and supervision of team members. With her education in chemistry and with an additional three years of law at Tirana University, in Albania; she is a natural to run our Quality Assurance and Food Safety program. Back in Albania she worked for 14 years in the Albanian government, but the passion for food and food production was always a goal she wanted to explore.
Hena’s ambitious, focus to detail, and extremely high standards, with her love of the food industry, gives Hena the foundation to be an intricate part of our management team.
In her new role, Hena will use her leadership qualities to manage every aspect of our Quality Assurance and Food Safety program and team ensuring what we produce is of the highest standards for worldwide consumers.
One of her best qualities is that she can relate to people of any culture and background helping Healthy Berries grow through the strength each employee brings with them no matter what part of the world they come from.
Our Superfruit Puree is a Worldwide brand just like our International team here at Healthy Berries.