Wild Blueberry Maple Oats 


Superfruit puree makes the perfect topping to just about any breakfast, especially a warm, comforting bowl of oats. Chef Dany Duguay has her own special recipe for this classic breaky. With a touch of sweetness from the maple syrup and a hint of cinnamon, this will be your go-to fibre packed, weekday breakfast. 


1 serving of your favourite oats, prepared as per package directions (I used quick oats but you could use instant, rolled or steel cut) 

1-3 Tbsp Pure Maple syrup, depending how sweet you like it 

A pinch of salt 

Pinch of cinnamon 

1/8th cup roasted almonds, chopped 

1/4 cup milk of choice, optional 

1/4 cup Superfruit wild blueberry Purée 

1/4 cup fresh blueberries 

Once oats have been prepared as directed, add maple syrup to desired sweetness, salt and cinnamon and stir. Pour into bowl and top with milk and puree, then almonds and blueberries. Enjoy!