Superfruit Ice Cream


This week’s recipe comes from close to home! Dr. Ashley Margeson is a nutritionist, and the niece of our beloved Tom. He’s head of sales here at Healthy Berries LTD. Read below to see how she created delicious home made ice cream using our Wild Blueberry Superfruit Purée!


Looks like my nutrition degree came in handy as I played around with a recipe using @superfruitpuree Bluberries. The end result? Ice Cream.

So when Uncle Tom told me a few years ago about this blueberry product he was working on... I got excited. One of the reasons I was excited was that it was an actual puree, which meant that the skins of the blueberries were apart of the product. As someone who is a bit of a research freak, this is exactly what I wanted to hear. Keeping the fibre, the nutrient value and the antioxidants in place.
Last week, I picked up a few bottles from him to play around with. And with a family party last night and warm weather a foot, there was no better option than ice cream.
Guess what - it didn’t disappoint... and the 3 year old and 5 year old give it a thumbs up too!


2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 cup almond milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 bottle @superfruitpuree
1/2 tsp almond extract



Mix all ingredients together until sugar dissolves. Set up kitchen aid stand mixer ice cream attachment (freeze for 36 hours beforehand) or freeze a metal bowl for 36 hours. Add liquid to ice cream maker or metal bowl. If using attachment, make sure you have it running. If using the metal bowl, whisk for 5-10 minutes over ice until you start to form on the side of the bowl. Leave kitchen aid mixer running for 20 minutes, then transfer to freezer safe bowl and freeze for 4 hours. You won't be disappointed.